2023 Networking Challenge - January

Firestorm · Jan 3, 2023

I'm super excited for 2023 and I hope you are as well! Every year we start out with big dreams and ambitions for the new year. A clean slate and unlimited possibilities. This year is no different, but I would encourage you to more closely consider something you may take for granted, your relationships. You see, relationships are the key to everything. 

To quote Lewis Howes "Your goal in life isn't to know more people. It's to surround yourself with friends that would shout out your name in a room full of opportunities when you aren't there." 

And if that doesn't sum up what we are trying to do with Firestorm®, I don't know what does.

So this year we are creating a FREE networking challenge to help you create and deepen your relationships. Every month we will have a topic that we will announce at the beginning of the month. Each week will be additional educational content and challenges to support the monthly topic. 

Download the worksheet here.



About Us

We are a high quality B2B networking organization dedicated to helping you identify your ideal strategic partners and facilitate the relationship building process.